Voluntary Association (VA) List

Voluntary Associations recognised by SACNASP in terms of the Natural Scientific Professions Act (Act No 27 of 2003)

1 Anatomical Society of Southern Africa
2 Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa
3 Entomological Society of Southern Africa
4 Fire Protection Association of Southern Africa
5 Grassland Society of Southern Africa
6 Institute of Certificated and Chartered Statisticians of South Africa
7 International Association for Impact Assessment South Africa
8 Land Rehabilitation Society of Southern Africa
9 National Association for Clean air
10 Nematological Society of Southern Africa
11 Operations Research Society of South Africa
12 Parasitological Society of Southern Africa
13 Society of South African Geographers
14 South African Bat Assessment Association
15 South African brand of the World’s Poultry Science Association
16 South African Genetics Society
17 South African Geophysical Association
18 South African Society for Agricultural Extension
19 South African Society for Animal Science
20 South African Society for Bioinformatics
21 South African Society of Crop Production
22 South African Society of Dairy Technology
23 South African Statistical Association
24 South African Sugar Industry Agronomists’ Association
25 South African Sugar Technologists’ Association
26 South African Wetland Society
27 Southern African Association of Geomorphologists
28 Southern African Plant Breeders’ Association
29 Southern African Radiation Protection Association
30 Southern African Society for Horticultural Sciences
31 Southern African Society for Plant Pathology
32 Southern African Society of Aquatic Scientists
33 Southern African Wildlife Management Association
34 The Geological Society of South Africa
35 The Physiology Society of Southern Africa
36 The Soil Science Society of Southern Africa
37 The South African Association for Food Science and Technology
38 The South African Association of Botanists
39 The South African Chemical Institute
40 The South African Institute of Engineering & Environmental Geologists
41 The South African Society for Enology and Viticulture
42 The South African Society for Microbiology
43 The Southern African Institute of Forestry
44 The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
45 The Toxicology Society of South Africa
46 The Zoological Society of Southern Africa
47 Water Institute of Southern Africa
48 Geo-Information Society of South Africa