Requirements for Registration

The Natural Scientific Professions Act (Act No. 27 of 2003) mandates The South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP) to register scientists in various categories and fields of practice. Each application for registration is an application in a specific category for a specific field of practice. The three categories mandated by the Act are Professional Natural Scientist, Certificated Natural Scientist and Candidate Natural Scientist. The requirements for registration are slightly different for each of these categories. You can read more about the currently gazetted fields of practice here.

The requirements for registration in each category are outlined below. Each category requires certain minimum qualifications, and the Certificated Natural Scientist and Professional Natural Scientist categories require a certain amount of relevant work experience which depends on the level of qualifications held by the individual.

Professional Natural Scientist

To register as a Professional Natural Scientist, an individual will require one of the following qualification and experience combinations:

A recognised 4-year Bachelor of Science degree; Bachelor of Science (Hons); or Postgraduate Diploma; or Equivalent Qualification at NQF level 8 AND Three years appropriate work experience in the field of practice applied for.


A recognised Masters of Science; Master of Technology; Master of Agricultural Science; Master of Applied Sciences; Or Equivalent Qualification at NQF level 9 AND Two years of appropriate work experience in the field of practice applied for.


A recognised Doctoral Qualification at NQF Level 10 AND One year of appropriate work experience in the field of practice applied for.

In the qualifications referred to above, at least 70% of the required credits obtained during the first year of study should be in a spectrum of natural scientific disciplines. At least 80% of the required credits obtained during the second and third year of study should include a spectrum of natural scientific disciplines and for the fourth / honours year it should be 100%. The majority of these modules should be in the respective field of practice or directly supportive of the field of practice. There should be a clear progression in breadth and depth in the field of practice applied for. In addition, there should be a broad base of basic science modules taken at first-year level to ensure a firm bases in the natural sciences. Across the 4-year qualification, the average natural science content should be a minimum of 70%

The duration of work experience is calculated from the date the requirements were met for the relevant qualification. Only work experience of scientific nature in the field of practice applied for will be considered. Teaching experience at any level, including tertiary, is not considered. Some experience in a position of responsibility is a requirement or as determined by the Professional Advisory Committee (PAC).

Persons with at least 10 years of natural science experience in the field of practice they are applying for and unable to qualify for registration in terms of SACNASP requirements due to lack of or insufficient formal qualifications can apply for registration through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) route. Individuals applying via this route will be required to submit some additional documentation and may be expected to attend an interview with the Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) for the field of practice they are applying for.

Certificated Natural Scientist

To register as a Certificated Natural Scientist, an individual will require one of the following qualification and experience combinations:

A recognised 3-year qualification; 3-year Diploma; 3-year Bachelor of Science Degree; Advanced Diploma; or Equivalent Qualification at NQF Level 7 with 50% of the required credits in natural sciences AND one year of appropriate work experience (after
completion date) in the field of practice applied for.


A recognised two-year diploma or equivalent qualification at NQF level 6 with 50% of the required credits in natural sciences AND five years of appropriate work experience (after completion date) in the field of practice applied for (only applicable to Agricultural
and Extension Science).


Any qualification on the NQF (HEQSF) that falls within the fields and sub-fields identified as natural science AND one year of work experience for a NQF level 7 qualification or five years of work experience for a lower qualification.

The duration of work experience is calculated from the date the requirements were met for the relevant qualification. Only work experience of scientific nature in the field of practice applied for will be considered. Teaching experience at any level, including tertiary, is not considered. Experience in a position of responsibility is preferable or as determined by the PAC.

Persons with at least 10 years of natural science experience in the field of practice they are applying for and unable to qualify for registration in terms of SACNASP requirements due to lack of or insufficient formal qualifications can apply for registration through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) route. Individuals applying via this route will be required to submit some additional documentation and may be expected to attend an interview with the Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) for the field of practice they are applying for.

Candidate Natural Scientist

To register as a Candidate Natural Scientist an applicant should possess any of the qualifications listed above as sufficient for registration as either a Certificated Natural Scientist or Professional Natural Scientist. No work experience is required for registration as a Candidate Natural Scientist.