Vision, mission and mandate
Leading the development and advancement of the Natural Science Professions in South Africa.
To provide an efficient statutory Council for the recruitment, registration, regulation and advancement of the Natural Scientific Professionals to ensure high-quality services for economic growth and societal benefit.
SACNASP will be guided by the values of independence, non-discrimination, diversity, inclusiveness, honesty, integrity, respect, non-partisanship, innovation, diligence, responsiveness and collaboration.
Legislative mandate
The Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP) was established as a juristic person in 1982 by an Act of Parliament, the Natural Scientists Act, 1982 [Act 55 of 1982], which has subsequently evolved into the directives of the Natural Scientific Professions Act, 2003 [Act 27 of 2003] as amended. The Council is therefore mandated as the Accounting Authority to implement the provisions of the Act, under the oversight of its Executive Authority, the Minister of Science and Technology.
In terms of the Act it is a statutory requirement:
- That persons practicing in any of the fields of practice listed in Schedule I of the Act, must be registered with SACNASP in any of the prescribed categories [Section 18]
- That only a registered person may practise in a Consulting capacity [Section 20]
- That the Council must determine the requirements with which a voluntary association must comply with to qualify for recognition [Section 26].