SACNASP Newsletter 2/2019 – July 2019

Dear Registered Scientist

The new updated website is up and running and can be accessed on All application for registrations / upgrades should be made online as we no longer accept manual applications. Scientists can now access their portals to pay outstanding fees, update contact details and print certificates provided their accounts are up to date.

We no longer routinely send registration cards but should you require a card please email including your address where you would like the card delivered. If your address has changed please update the portal also.

In this edition

  1. Introduction to Voluntary Associations:South African Institute of Physics
  2. General Information
  3. Long Service Awards
  4. Upcoming Events
  5. From the office of the Finance Manager

Introduction to Voluntary Associations

South African Institute of Physics

The SA Institute of Physics (SAIP) is a non-profit, voluntary and professional physics society that was established in 1955. The SAIP has a membership of over 3500 made up of professionals, academics and students. Over 10% of the membership are in other African countries and further abroad. SAIP is dedicated to increasing the understanding and application of physics in South Africa.

To promote study and research in physics and encourage applications thereof to further the exchange of knowledge among physicists by means of publications and conferences. To uphold the status and ensure a high standard of professionals conduct among physicists. To do all such other lawful things as many be necessary to attain the above objectives including the co-operation with other institutes, companies, organisations or societies, to the benefit of both. To offer a wide range of services addressing many levels of involvement with the physics community and related stakeholders.

The SAIP broad strategy includes: Organising annual physics conferences, to which leading national and international physicists are invited as keynote speakers. Organising winter and summer schools and various workshops and symposia that promote physics and develop professionals. Giving awards of excellence at various levels. Soliciting and implementing donor and grant funded projects that promote the role of physics in education, research, technology, health, the environment and sustainable economic development.

Email: / Tel: +27(0) 12 843 6561

Prof. Robin Crewe

General Information

2018/2019 NSTF-South32 Awards

The NSTF Awards were established in 1998 as a collaborative effort to recognise outstanding contributions to science, engineering and technology (SET) and innovation by SET-related professionals and organisations in South Africa.

This includes experienced scientists, engineers, innovators, science communicators, engineering capacity builders, and organisational managers/leaders, as well as data and research managers.

This year, both Prof. Mary Gulumian and Prof. Robin Crewe (SACNASP Council members) were in the group of finalists contending for the prestigious NSTF-South32 Awards.

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Robin Crewe won the Lifetime Award for Achievement by an Individual.

Prof. Crewe is an internationally-renowned researcher, educator and innovator for the work he has done on social insects, particularly honeybees. In addition to his research, he has taught and mentored students, taken on numerous roles as the head of an academic department, and he’s been the leader of two research groups, the Dean of Natural Science at two Universities and Vice-Principal for research and postgraduate studies at the University of Pretoria.

Prof. Crewe has also contributed to the development of professional societies, academies and statutory bodies both locally and abroad – to list but a few of his achievements. In short, he is a legend of South African Science.

SACNASP is proud to have him as a member of our Council and Chair of one of its Committees. His leadership and insight have impacted greatly on the way that SACNASP is evolving.

He has guided the Special Projects Committee so SACNASP’s strategic direction is focused and in line with the needs of Natural Scientists in South Africa.

Congratulations Prof. Crewe!

Mamelodi SOS Children

SOS Children’s Villages

SOS Children’s Villages began its work in Mamelodi in 1987. It fosters a family based care programme for children in the region who are orphaned or no longer able to live with their parents. In addition to being provided with a loving home, the children attend the SOS Kindergarten and local schools together with children from the neighbourhood, which ensures that they are integrated into the local community from a young age. As part of its outreach programme, the SOS Children’s Village also helps children directly or indirectly affected by HIV/AIDS and seeks to give them vocational training and support

As part of the social development programme, SACNASP donated sanitary and toiletry packs for the teenage boys and girls of the Mamelodi SOS Children’s Village. This was presented at an event held at the SOS Centre on Saturday 22 June 2019. We would like to extend a thank you to our Social Club for considering this project and for the financial contribution to this worthy endeavour.

Office Move

Kindly note there may be a delay in responding to you SACNASP is moving to the new offices in the first week of August.

All CPD related activities can be accessed on

Visit our website for job opportunities.

Dr Pradish Rampersadh handing over the certificate to Mrs Yolandi Jacobs

Long Service Awards

SACNASP held its Long Service Awards ceremony where employees were awarded with certificates as a token of appreciation. 9 employees received an award for between 5 to 10 years and the outstanding award for the longest serving employee went to Mrs Yolandi Jacobs for an employee SACNASP for 23 years. She serves SACNASP as the personal assistant of the CEO and we are really proud of her loyalty.

Upcoming Events

National Science Week (NSW) is an annual celebration of science, engineering and technology, attracting thousands of learners and members of the public to workshops, science shows and lectures, which are held at universities, schools, science centres and public facilities countrywide led by the Department of Science and Technology. The National Science Week (NSW) will launch on the 27th July in Kimberly. As of the 29th July to 3rd August we will be visiting different schools within Gauteng Province.

Eskom Expo Judges Volunteers:

The regional expos in Gauteng will be held between July and August 2019 in Pretoria, Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg and Soweto.

We appeal to the membership of SACNASP to volunteer their time as judges on the day and earn 1 CPD point and if you’re also interested in mentoring a project, you will earn a further 1 CPD point for 10 hours.

In addition, should you also be available to judge at the International Science Fair in September 2019 at Birchwood conference centre, you will earn 2 CPD points for 18 hours of judging.

In order to qualify as a judge, Expo is hosting a training session at the IT centre at the University of Pretoria on 17 July 2019 from 09:00-12:00.

Should you be interested, please email

We encourage you to volunteer your time and share your expertise with budding young scientists to encourage them to pursue careers in STEMI.

From the Office of the Finance Manager

Registered Scientists must pay their outstanding fees online via pay fast, because if they pay directly to the bank account the payment will take 1 month to be updated.

For any information on finance queries please contact the SACNASP offices on: +27 (0) 12 748 6500 or

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